Growing a community of followers of Yeshua -

- bringing Him to Jewish Pittsburgh and beyond.


The only person advocating for what Jehovah, the God of Israel in the Purim story was Mordechai, the uncle of Queen Esther.

While Queen Esther is obviously the central character in the story and is an incredible type and picture in many ways of Yeshua - Jesus as our Messiah, it is Mordechai that had the stead-fast relationship with the God of Israel and know Him in such a way that he walked out his life honoring Him, keeping His Word, even if there was a cost.

What you need to know is that the name "Mordechai" means "I get my life and strength from the demon/idol Mordok."

The Book of Esther is FULL of mis-labels -

  • The powerful King often seems clueless and lacking power
  • The Prime Minister (Haman) who is supposed to support and work for the king's good is only working for his own good.
  • The Jewish people are seen as "the problem" when actually they were supposed to be a source of blessing for Babylon.
  • And Mordechai is labelled with an identity that promotes him as working for demons/idols when in reality is he is the ONLY one seeking out Jehovah's guidance and plan.

There are many other points to Esther, but time does not allow me to put them here.

If you want to know more about The Feasts of The Lord that He gave to the Jewish people, and especially want to know how they point to Jesus ... reach out to us via our CONTACT US Page.

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