Exodus 6:6-7

Why Exodus 6:6-7 ?

Jewish Scripture reveals that YHVH wants to be our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer & Coming King !

When YHVH told Moses He would free us from slavery in Egypt, He said more

S.D.A.I.T.S - Shabbat Dinner And Informal Torah Study

note: S.D.A.I.T.S cancelled for 2023

Held on the 2 Fridays following our 1st Sat. of the month Shabbat Svc.

Enjoy fellowship with others curious about more

Why Yeshua ?

"Yeshua" is a Hebrew word which means "deliverer."

A deliverer breaks off chains and brings captives into a good an open place of more

The Rabbis Changed God's Rules for Yom Kippur -
( Day of Atonement )

In Scripture - Leviticus 16 - God gives a series of SPECIFIC commands of how Atonement was to happen.

In Leviticus 17:11 God says that He has specifically appointed THE BLOOD on The Atlar (at The Temple in Jerusalem) to make atonement.

But after The Temple was destoryed in 70 C.E (A.D.), the rabbis came up with a new set of rules.

Read about the changes and the hopelessness of the main rabbi involved in the changes in our downloadble pdf.

Read and/or Download "How Day of Atonement was Changed by The Rabbis"

Jewish Jewelry Starts Conversations

Pictured above is the "Breast Plate" (in Hebrew "choshen")

Many varied necklaces and more help start conversations about the Jewish people and the Jewish Messiah - Yeshua -Jesus.

Our collection is on sale on-line in the Jewelry section of our store


note: next gathering =

  Gathering Day Gathering -

    - Oct 7, 2023

Worship, Learn and Experience the God of Israel and His Messiah - Yeshua - Jesus

through Biblically-based

song, liturgy and teaching.

Everyone is welcome !

         From The Jerusalem Wall of Life  -  Yeshua Returns

Revelation 19:11 - "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war."


If there was anyone that took on the age-old battle of "good vs. evil" it was (an IS) Yeshua!

Yet the example HE set was this - HE won the war by DYING?!?  (And before dying... spending His life SERVING OTHERS?!?)

What kind of strategy is THAT ???

Scripture has much to say about this war, how to fight it, and who should engage in its battles ...
 (hint... YOU (and me) !!!

The horrors of October 7th in Israel make it plain that evil will have its day and its way unless there are those that are ready and skilled in battle.  If this is true in the physical, how much more so in  spiritual realms?

From David - a teenager who defeated a giant, to Aaron's High Priestly Blessing - receive training for battle from what The God of Israel has spoken in His Word.

Use this link to head to our blog entries on WAR!